Spin based quantum computer and simulator – SPINUS

Quantum leap for solid state quantum computing and simulation

SPINUS project pursues a novel strategy for scalable solid-state quantum simulation and computation hardware based on nuclear spin networks and dipole-dipole entangled electron spin qubits. With a primary focus on scalability and overcoming the limitations of existing classical methods, SPINUS seeks to establish experimental platforms for quantum simulation (>50 quantum units) and quantum computation (>10 qubits), thus, developing an innovative quantum computer.

SPINUS ambition

SPINUS project has the following long-term multi-level ambition:

Groundbreaking R&I

SPINUS project will leverage recent advancements to build quantum simulators with >50 quantum units and room-temperature quantum computers with >10 qubits. SPINUS project is exploring novel concepts to enhance fidelity, scalability, and programmability using spin systems.

Cutting-edge materials

SPINUS project utilises isotopically engineered diamond and ultrapure silicon carbide to extend coherence times of optically active dopants, fundamentally improving spin-based quantum systems.

Collaborative ecosystem

Partnering with Quantum Flagship initiatives and start-ups to drive innovation in European fabrication processes and supply chains, fostering the development of new quantum technology-related goods and services.

Intellectual property and publications

SPINUS project is expanding on its expertise in spin qubits and quantum materials to produce patentable technology and publish groundbreaking research.

SPINUS objectives

SPINUS pursues the following diverse objectives:

Develop a quantum simulator using spin qubits in diamond and silicon carbide (SiC) materials, with the ambition to surpass classical simulation methods by achieving > 50 quantum units.
Address scalability challenges to scale up the quantum simulator to > 1000 quantum units, thereby pushing the boundaries of current quantum simulation capabilities.
Scale up platforms for solid-state quantum computing at ambient temperatures to > 10 fully programmable qubits.
Development of a comprehensive software stack tailored to control, characterize, and read out quantum simulation and computation platforms.
Identify use cases showcasing the potential of quantum technologies to demonstrate quantum advantage and revolutionize computational tasks.
Foster and contribute to the growth of a European quantum and diamond ecosystems through international collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

SPINUS impact

SPINUS project aims to have the following types of impact:

Pathways towards impact

Quantum advancement: SPINUS aims to demonstrate a quantum simulator with 50+ quantum units and a quantum computer with 10+ qubits. Also, SPINUS seeks scale them up to more than 1000 quantum units and 100 qubits, respectively, within two years post-project.

SiC investigation: SPINUS will investigate SiC as a platform for spin-based quantum simulation and computing. This could allow for qubit/unit counts to exceed 100 and 1000, respectively, opening up the possibility to compete or even surpass existing technologies.

Strategic advantage: SPINUS will strengthen this position and foster collaboration between European institutions, building a common pan-European knowledge base on spin-based quantum simulation and computing.

Economic/technological impact

Market growth: SPINUS aims to mature quantum processors via large quantum simulators and processors via diamond-based spin qubits, operable at or near room temperature. These advancements could lead to widespread adoption of the technology for small and robust quantum devices at or near room temperature.
New applications and services: SPINUS will pave the way to new applications and services using quantum advantage and to reduce the cost in established industries. Sectors such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, finance, and cryptography will benefit significantly.
Unique advantages of diamond-based quantum computers: Diamond-based quantum computers offer unique advantages, such as room-temperature operation without complex cooling infrastructure. This opens up a wider range of markets and applications.
European diamond ecosystem: SPINUS lays the groundwork for a European diamond ecosystem covering all elements of the quantum computing value chain. This includes material supply, characterization, nanofabrication, and the development of high-quality diamond chips and wafers.
Technological foundations: SPINUS develops fundamental capabilities for a full-fledged quantum computing software stack, including spin control, gate optimization, error correction, and scalable quantum algorithms.


Enhanced climate modeling: Quantum advantage will enable the development of more accurate climate models, aiding decision-makers in identifying effective measures against climate change.
Environmental impact: Improved understanding of molecules and their chemical synthesis through variational algorithms could have a direct positive impact on the environment.
Energy savings: The creation of a scalable quantum computer could lead to significant energy savings, particularly with diamond-based quantum computers that can operate at or near room temperature without special cooling infrastructure.
Potential for large-scale quantum systems: The development of a scalable quantum computer with more than 100 qubits could make it possible to study large-scale quantum systems that are currently unsolvable.
Discovery of new materials: SPINUS emphasis on creating true quantum materials may lead to the discovery of environmentally beneficial materials.
Economic expansion: SPINUS could encourage economic expansion and the emergence of new industries in the rapidly growing field of quantum technologies.

SPINUS Work Packages

SPINUS workload is structured into seven Work Packages (WP), each addressing specific aspects critical for the development of scalable quantum technologies as it follows:

Work Package 1

Tools for initialization, readout & control

Theoretical support for fundamental quantum operations.

Work Package 2

Materials development

Creating quantum-grade isotopically pure materials and generating color centers.
Work Package 3

Quantum simulation platforms

Developing large coupled spin networks in 2D and 3D for prototype quantum simulators.

Work Package 4

Quantum computation platform

Creating a quantum computation platform using materials from WP1 and WP2.

Work Package 5

Quantum advantage

Developing a software stack of quantum algorithms for various applications.
Work Package 6

Communication, dissemination, exploitation

Raising awareness of the potential of quantum technologies, contributing to business development, and standardization.

Work Package 7

Project Management

Ensuring qualitative, timely, and cost-efficient administration of the entire project.

SPINUS results

As the work progresses, you will be able to find here the Public Deliverables and supporting information of the SPINUS project.

Public deliverable

Please note that only Public Deliverables are available herein.


SPINUS contributions to different journals, workshops, conferences etc. are available in this section.

Ongoing list of SPINUS publications: 

Bartling, H, J Yun, K Schymik, M Van Riggelen, L Enthoven, H Van Ommen, M Babaie, et al. “Universal High-Fidelity Quantum Gates for Spin-Qubits in Diamond,” March 2024.

Bian, Guodong, Gergő Thiering, and Ádám Gali. “Theory of Optical Spinpolarization of Axial Divacancy and Nitrogen-Vacancy Defects in 4H-SiC,” August 2024.

Grimm, Nick, Katharina Senkalla, Philipp Vetter, Jurek Frey, Prithvi Gundlapalli, Tommaso Calarco, Genko Genov, Matthias Müller, and Fedor Jelezko. “Coherent Control of a Long-Lived Nuclear Memory Spin in a Germanium-Vacancy Multi-Qubit Node,” August 2024.

Lacroix, Thibaut, Brieuc Le Dé, Angela Riva, Angus J. Dunnett, and Alex W. Chin. “MPSDynamics.jl: Tensor Network Simulations for Finite-Temperature (Non-Markovian) Open Quantum System Dynamics.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, no. 8 (August 28, 2024). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0223107.

Preprint, Rémi, Blinder, Yuliya Mindarava, Martin Korzeczek, Alastair Marshall, Felix Glöckler, Steffen Nothelfer, et al. “C HYPERPOLARIZATION with NITROGEN-VACANCY CENTERS in MICRO-and NANODIAMONDS for SENSITIVE MAGNETIC RESONANCE APPLICATIONS,” March 2024.

Van De Stolpe, G, L Feije, S Loenen, A Das, G Timmer, T De Jong, and T Taminiau. “Spectral Diffusion of Lifetime-Limited Optical Transitions in Commercially Available Silicon Carbide,” 2024.

Van Ommen, H, G Van De Stolpe, N Demetriou, H Beukers, J Yun, T Fortuin, M Iuliano, P Montblanch, R Hanson, and T Taminiau. “Enhanced Decoherence-Protected Radio-Frequency Driven Gates for Spin Sensing and Control,” September 2024.


SPINUS Consortium

SPINUS brings together a consortium of innovating institutions across Europe:

Fraunhofer IAF, Germany

Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics

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UULM, Germany

Universität Ulm, Germany

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DTU, Denmark

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

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USTUTT, Germany

University of Stuttgart

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FZJ, Germany

Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH

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Universiteit Hasselt

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ULIU, Sweden

Linköpings Universitet

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TUDELFT, Netherlands

Technische Universiteit Delft

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Wigner RCP, Hungary

Wigner Fizikai Kutatokozpont

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FBK, Italy

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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QB, Germany

Quantum Brilliance GmbH

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AMI, Czech Republic


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In the newsroom of SPINUS, you will be able to find the latest news, updates, and regular press releases of the project.

June 28, 2024

SPINUS Month 6 Online Meeting: a journey of progress, milestones met, and challenges ahead

SPINUS project partners connected online on June 28, 2024 to review the progress made in the first half year of activity.
January 23, 2024

EU-funded project SPINUS pioneers scalable solid-state quantum computing

SPINUS project was held by Fraunhofer IAF held its kick-off meeting on January 22-23, 2024 in Freiburg, Germany.

Connect with SPINUS

SPINUS general email


SPINUS Coordinator

Martin Koppenhöfer


SPINUS Project Manager

Stefania Pavel
